
A highly sought-after contributor to various media outlets, Anea Bogue is an acclaimed self-esteem expert who specializes in working with women of all ages, including adolescent girls. The mother of two daughters, Anea is absolutely passionate about the empowerment of girls and women and has dedicated more than half her life to this cause. She brings 20 years of experience to her work as an educator, certified life coach, consultant, writer and speaker. Anea is also the creator and director of REALgirl®, a revolutionary empowerment program for girls ages 8 – 16, yielding incredible transformations in girls. Whether through her book, featured articles or speaking engagements, or as a highly-credentialed coach and consultant, Anea is committed to helping each girl and woman reach her highest potential. To learn more about Anea please visit

Media Inquiries
Please contact:
Ashton Lunceford
Portrait PR
(803) 960-2134

Speaking Inquiries
Please contact:
Shelli Wright – Director of Speaking & Events
(310) 384-9864

Anea in Print


REALgirl endorsement from Elle Fanning and Variety magazine

Elle Fanning spreads the word about her favorite charity, REALgirl, and how it empowers girls to reach their full potential and lead positive lives.

Elle Fanning thanks Variety for donating to her favorite charity →

Read the article from Variety →

Read more from USA Today →

9 Things Every Woman Should Know About Menstruation

Last week, the mother of ‘The Bachelor’ candidate Gia Allemand, told Dr. Phil that “intense pre-menstrual syndrome” contributed to her daughter’s suicide this past August. It’s impossible to know for certain the degree to which PMS may have been a factor in this tragic end to Ms. Allemand’s life. But…(read more)

Why Beyonce’s “Mrs. Carter Tour” is Bad for Women

What’s in a name?

International Women’s Day is all about pausing to reflect on our achievements in the long-standing effort to create equality between men and women. I must admit, writing about Beyonce Knowles as part of my thoughts on this important day of reflection was not really part of the plan this year…until she announced her upcoming tour. (Read more)

Nine Empowering Resolutions for Women in 2013

2012 has proven to be an incredibly exciting and important time to be a woman. After many centuries of being programmed with messages of our inferiority, I see ever-increasing signs of women remembering our inherent value. One especially important sign of this is the fact that we are re-discovering and using our voices, once (and still in some parts of the world) quieted by the threat of being severely punished in one way or another, for speaking truths that might challenge a fundamentally imbalanced status quo. (Read more)

What To Do When Your Child Has an Argument with a Friend

Arguing or bullying?

“Unlike ‘mean girl’ behaviours and bullying, an argument engages girls in using their voices to interact with each other and expressing their own perspectives, thoughts, concerns, expectations, wants and needs. It’s often because girls are afraid to say what they think and deal with conflict head-on—which is a natural part of any relationship—that they start to engage in ‘mean girl’ behaviours behind each other’s backs,” says Bogue.

“Encouraging girls to practise using their voices, to identify their expectations for mutual respect within their relationships and to communicate those directly with their friends—even if it means facing an argument—is a key tool for empowerment and self-esteem,” says Bogue. (Read More)

13 Ways to Boost Your Daughter’s Self-Esteem:
How to help girls build confidence based on what they can do, not what they look like

In a culture saturated with digitally altered images of impossibly thin women, raising girls with high self-esteem can be daunting indeed. But as parents, you have great influence—both by what you say and what you do. Here’s some advice from experts Catherine Steiner-Adair, EdD, a clinical psychologist, school consultant and creator of the “Full of Ourselves,” a social-emotional program for girls, Anea Bogue, MA, author (9 Ways We Are Screwing Up Our Girls and How We Can Stop), and the creator of REALgirl, an empowerment program for girls, and Mary Rooney, PhD, a clinical psychologist with the Child Mind Institute. (Read More)

Raising Girls With Healthy Self-Esteem:
How to help our daughters develop confidence and a positive body image

“Pretty in Pink”

Disney princesses aren’t the only passive role models encoded and encouraged in girl culture. If you walk into any ‘Toys “R” Us’ you will see very clearly how we as a society divide girls and boys and what we think each gender should be aspiring to do in the world,” says Anea Bogue, author of 9 Ways We Are Screwing Up Our Girls and How We Can Stop and the creator of REALgirl, an empowerment program for girls. “The boys’ aisles are all about taking action, being heroes or warriors and saving others. The girls’ aisles are primarily pink and focus on looking ‘pretty,’ being princesses or playing in the kitchen.” (Read More)

9 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Period

The reality is that our menstrual cycle is extremely powerful and does impact the way we feel from one day to the next. It’s also true that we have heightened strengths during every phase of our cycle. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know about the intricacies of our cycle and how to really capitalize on these strengths because from the time we hit puberty we’re given very little information about it. Why? Because there is a long-standing and deeply-rooted taboo around the subject of menstruation. (read more)

Periods: 9 Things Every Woman Should Know

The reality is that our menstrual cycle is extremely powerful and does impact the way we feel from one day to the next. It’s also true that we have heightened strengths during every phase of our cycle. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know about the intricacies of our cycle and how to really capitalize on these strengths because from the time we hit puberty we’re given very little information about it. Why? Because there is a long-standing and deeply-rooted taboo around the subject of menstruation. (read more)

Anea Shares The Ways You Might Be Holding Your Daughter Back from Her Full Potential Without Even Knowing It

As parents, we’ve never told our daughters that there are “girl-specific” jobs, or that the key to happiness and self-worth is marriage. (Of course, we can’t help the messages they might see when we’re not around.) But there are other ways in which our daughters, and the other little girls in our lives, could be learning life lessons from us that will lead them to shy away from “challenging” subjects like trigonometry and engineering, take the first low salary offered to them out of college or get burned out before age 30.

We asked Anea Bogue, M.A., an acclaimed self-esteem expert, educator, certified life coach and creator of REALgirl® empowerment workshops, to share some of the ways you might be holding your daughter back from her full potential without even knowing it.

(Read more – Forbes)
(Read more – The Huffington Post)

What Rush Limbaugh, Chris Brown and Modern Family All Have in Common

Most people are stunned to learn that according to recent studies, the self-esteem of the average girl in our society peaks at the age of 9 and then plummets. What’s worse is that many (and I dare say most) women will tell you that their 9 year-old self-esteem never fully returns and that they have spent the better portion of their adult life trying to find and reclaim the confidence and self-value they knew as little girls.

Why do we all need to know about what effectively constitutes a crisis of self-esteem among girls and women in our culture? Because multiple studies have drawn strong correlations between low self-esteem and eating disorders, drug abuse, depression, risky sexual behavior, low academic performance and general performance levels that are well beneath one’s potential. (Read more)


Anea Bogue Personality Test

Anea Bogue isn’t from Pittsburgh, doesn’t live in Pittsburgh, and has only been to Pittsburgh a few times. That could change, though, if the pilot for “Anea” finds a taker in Hollywood.

Bogue is a Los Angeles-based “life coach,” whose first foray into television finished shooting in Pittsburgh in February.

“Anea” is a talk show in the “Oprah” mold, focusing on the lives of women and girls. The pilot was shot at the Fred Rogers Studios at WQED, once the home of “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” It’s a co-production between WQED and the Steeltown Entertainment Project. If it gets picked up by a network or cable channel, “Anea” would be shot weekly in Pittsburgh — giving the city’s television industry an enormous boost.

The show brings top-drawer talent to Pittsburgh, including Squirrel Hill-born director Jamie Widdoes, director of “Two and a Half Men,” “Rob” and others.

Read more: Personality Test: Life coach Anea Bogue – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review



In the once and future Land of Make Believe, fate appears to be working in oddly congruous ways.

Pittsburgh natives Carl Kurlander and “Two and a Half Men” director Jamie Widdoes recently were seated around a conference room table discussing the funny way life works. Also in attendance were three others involved in the entertainment industry: Peter Isacksen, Mr. Widdoes’ production partner; life coach Anea Bogue; and her producer, Shelli Wright.

Six months of planning led them to this place and time, and everyone agreed it was more than chance. “Anea,” an “Oprah-esque” talk show aimed at issues concerning women and girls, will film its pilot in early January in the Fred Rogers Studio at WQED in Oakland.

Read more:


CBS Pittsburgh interviews Pittsburgh native Jamie Widdoes, Peter Isacksen, and Anea Bogue. Widdoes is Director of “Two and a Half Men”. Both he and Isacksen are Producers of “Anea”.


Protect Your Daughters From Predators!
Anea Bogue: Let me be very clear. Under no circumstances is it OK for a man to have sex with a woman unless she has given him a resounding, “Yes!” So when an intoxicated 20-year-old college girl told Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, “No. This is not OK” when he had one of his bodyguards escort her into a bar’s back room, that should have been the end of it. Period… (Read more)

9 Historic Realizations Every Woman Should Know About
Anea Bogue: Without the whole story, we can’t change the whole world for the better. Imagine deciding among your extended family members that a family history should be written to inform and guide future generations. It would include the building blocks of your family, perspectives on the world, values, traditions and more. Now imagine that the male members in your family decide that they alone will write your family’s history. (Read More)

Anea Bogue: Closing the Great Divide Between Moms and Teenage Daughters
As a former teacher Anea Bogue, always recognized the girl whose low self-esteem was standing in the way of reaching her potential. Conversely, she had experienced plenty of occasions when a mom openly expressed her inner turmoil surrounding her daughters’ transition through adolescence. As a result, Bogue realized that she needed to offer her support to moms in their own transition from mother of a little girl to mother of a teen. (Read more)

9 Ways Dads Can Help Their Daughter’s Self-Esteem
The fact is, a father plays a fundamentally important role in shaping his daughter’s sense of self-value, so it is important that he know just what to do from her first breath right on through the challenging teen years. (Read more)

Girl Power: Nine Ways to Build Your Daughter’s Self-Esteem
Most moms I work with are completely unaware of studies out of the NYU Child Study Center that indicate the average American girl’s self-esteem peaks at the age of nine and then plummets. Yes, you read that correctly—nine. The reasons they report are many and varied, ranging from hormonal shifts to media influence, specifically the sexualization of girls and the setting of unrealistic physical standards. (Read more)

9 End of Year Lessons for Students
Rather than allowing another school year to draw to a close and simply melt into the next, we can encourage a little conscious reflection on the lessons learned during the preceding 180 or so precious days of our student’s life and when needed, give them a little guidance in seeing what they might not recognize on their own… (Read more)

9 Ways Self-Esteem Affects Your Relationship
Frequently, the women who come to me for guidance and support are struggling with their relationships. Some got married before they really knew themselves and are now “waking up” in marriages that no longer work. Others have been through multiple relationships that either become destructive or just don’t seem to last… (Read more)

Getting mentally ready for the school year
Establishing a routine in the coming days will give children the structure and discipline to succeed at their grade level, among their peers and as adults, experts said… (Read more)

10 Steps Towards a More Confident You
Fall is in full swing –the leaves are turning, the holidays and almost here and you’re returning to a familiar grind. But watch out! Your old routine might bring along some bad habits –like not taking the time you deserve for yourself day-to-day. Check out these tips from life coach Anea Bogue for your daily dose of “me time” that will leave you feeling calm, confident and in control both inside and out! (Read more)



9 Tips For Building Your Daughter’s Self-Esteem
In the face of research that suggests girls’ self-esteem peaks at 9, hope lies largely in the hands of parents. Most parents I work with and talk to are completely unaware of studies out of the NYU Child Study Center that indicate the average American girl’s self-esteem peaks at the age of 9 and then plummets. Yes, you read that correctly – 9! The reasons they report are many and varied, ranging from hormonal shifts to media influence, specifically the sexualization of girls and the setting of unrealistic physical standards. (Read more)

Anea on the Radio


“Anea Bogue’s mission to help girls and women regain their sense of self-worth deserves the highest honor. She is an amazing example of how women should support each other and teach our daughters how loving ourselves empowers us to reach our full potential.”  ~ Dr. Nancy O’Reilly, Psy.D., Founder of and WomenConnect4Good Foundation, Inc, Keynote Speaker and Author of Timeless Women Speak: Feeling Youthful

Why Empower Women and Girls

Imagine if every girl knew her real value, felt self-confident and knew no limits to her aspirations. What a different place the world would be! Anea Bogue founded REALgirl® empowerment workshops and camps because she wanted girls to develop healthy self-esteem and define themselves on their own terms. Further, she wanted them to retain their knowledge so they can continue to develop and make informed choices. Anea tells how her own self-esteem peaked at age 9, a pattern which studies show is common for girls. When her childhood confidence encountered adolescence and an abusive relationship, her feelings of self-worth plummeted.

Self-Esteem and conflict : Raising teen girls

Have you ever met someone who you know is doing the work they are meant to do in the world?  I knew I had when I met Anea Bogue, Self Esteem expert and Life Coach.  Anea’s mission: Helping women and girls find and claim their inner power so that they can reach their full potential.

So what does self esteem have to do with conflict? Quite a bit.  Join us this week as we discuss the challenges of raising teen girls and how self esteem – mother’s and daughter’s alike – plays a role in this delicate relationship.

Our Young Women Lead Us to Our Hidden Pain
What can we learn through our daughters that will move us from a world without the balance of male and female into a sustainable world where women and girls are aware of your own self esteem and value. Women, after three thousands of years of being told that they are inferior, dangerous, weak, and even evil, are waking up from a ‘protective coma’. How have you shifted your own adolescent experiences into maturity and wisdom?